
Implementing the EU Regulation, Leftloft S.p.A., VAT no. IT0123456789 with registered office in Via Gerolamo Rovetta, 20, 20127 Milano (Mi), Ph. +39 02 29404044, wishes to inform you that your personal data will be processed in compliance with the rules laid down by the EU Regulation and the Recommendation of Article 29 Working Party.

The privacy policy is provided for personal data that may be processed during consultation and use of the website corresponding to the following domain: Leftloft S.p.A.. The present privacy policy is therefore not meant to be extended to any other website consulted by the user via links present on the website.

In particular, Leftloft S.p.A. acts in its capacity as “Controller”. The Controller is whoever processes your personal data, determining the purposes and means of the processing of said data.

In practice your personal data may be processed by persons specifically authorised by Leftloft S.p.A. to perform processing activities on personal data.

The present privacy policy is provided to you in consideration of your capacity as “data subject”. By data subject is meant the natural person to whom the personal data refer.


In consideration of the interaction with the present website, Leftloft S.p.A. may process the following personal data of users:

1. Browsing data: the computer systems and the software procedures used to operate this website, during their normal operation, acquire some personal data, the transmission of which is implicit in the use of the Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected for its association with identified data subjects but may by its nature, including through processing and association with personal data held by third parties, enable the identification of users. Such personal data include the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users to connect to the website, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters related to the user’s operating system and software environment. These personal data are used exclusively to collect anonymous statistical information on the use of the website and to check its correct operation. The personal data could be used to ascertain liability in the event of possible cybercrimes damaging the website.

2. Cookies: Leftloft S.p.A. website uses exclusively technical Cookies, including of “third parties”. All the necessary information in relation with Cookies can be consulted in the related cookie policy provided below.


In relation to the personal data pursuant to point 1), letter a) of the present policy, your personal data are processed, automatically and “mandatorily”, by Leftloft S.p.A. in order to enable browsing itself; in this case the processing is carried out on the basis of a legal obligation to which Leftloft S.p.A. is subject, and on the basis of the legitimate interest of Leftloft S.p.A. to guarantee the correct operation and security of the website; your explicit consent is therefore not necessary.


The personal data processing is performed by persons authorised to process personal data, specifically appointed and instructed for this purpose. Processing of your personal data is performed using electronic and automated means with reference to the data on access to website pages.

Processing of personal data is performed in full compliance with the regulations intended to guarantee security and confidentiality, and among other things the accuracy, updating and relevance of the personal data with respect to the purposes declared.

The conferment of the personal data is mandatory because it is instrumental to browsing on the website.


The browsing data pursuant to point 1, letter a) are stored for 12 months. We must specify, in addition, that specific security measures are observed to prevent the loss of personal data, unlawful or incorrect uses and unauthorised accesses.


Limited to the purposes identified in this policy, your personal data may be communicated in Italy or to other countries, within the territory of the EU, to fulfill legal obligations.

The personal data will not be transferred to third countries.

The Personal data will not be publicly disclosed and therefore will not be divulged to the public or to an indefinite number of parties.


In your capacity as data subject you may exercise the rights of access to the personal data provided for in art. 15 of the EU Regulation and the rights provided for in arts 16, 17, 18 and 21 of the said Regulation regarding the rectification, erasure, restriction and objection to the processing of the personal data.

You may exercise your rights by writing to the following address:

If Leftloft S.p.A. does not provide you with a response within the times provided for in the legislation or the response to the exercise of the rights does not seem suitable to you, you may make a complaint to the Data Protection Authority.

These are the details:
Personal Data Protection Authority
Piazza di Monte Citorio no. 121 - 00186 Rome
Fax: (+39) 06.69677.3785
Telephone switchboard: (+39) 06.69677.1

Cookie policy


Cookies are small strings of text that enable the web server to memorise on the user’s browser information to be reused during the same visit to the same website (“Session Cookies”) or later, even a few days later (“Persistent Cookies”).

A Cookie cannot call up any other data from the user’s hard disk or transmit computer viruses or acquire e-mail addresses. Each Cookie is unique for the user’s web browser. Some of the functions of Cookies can be assigned to other technologies.

Cookies can be "first party", when they contain the website as their domain or “third party” if they are sent by different websites or web servers (so-called “third parties") from that visited and on which certain elements present on the website visited (such as images, maps, sounds, specific links to pages of other domains) can reside.


Cookies can have different functions and on the basis of the function they are divided into:

- Technical Cookies which are those necessary for the website itself to function, and which in turn are divided into:

a) Browsing Cookies: that is Cookies that enable normal browsing on the website

b) Functional Cookies: that is Cookies which, in order to improve the browsing experience, memorise the personalisations chosen by the user (for example the language);

c) Analytical Cookies: that is Cookies used to collect information on the number of users that visit the website and on the visiting methods. The Personal Data Protection Authority considers Analytical Cookies equivalent to Technical Cookies if the Analytical Cookies are made and used directly by the first-party website.

We must specify that with reference to Technical and Analytical Cookies consent for the personal data processing is not necessary; for “third-party” Analytical Cookies consent is not necessary only if instruments are adopted to reduce the identification power of the Cookies (for example anonymising the IP) and if the “third parties” do not combine the information collected by means of Cookies with further information available to them.

- Profiling Cookies which make it possible to create user profiles in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user while browsing the net; for the use of these Cookies consent from the user is required.

Leftloft S.p.A. informs you that on its website it uses exclusively Technical Cookies, including of “third parties”, for the purpose of enabling and improving the functioning of the webpages; Profiling Cookies are not used.

In particular, the Cookies used by Leftloft S.p.A. in the present website are identified below, together with the methods for managing your preference with regard to the same:

Anonymized Google Analytics
This website uses Google Analytics, which is a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. ("Google") that uses cookies that are stored on the user's computer in order to identify how visitors interact with the website. Google uses proprietary cookies to monitor visitor interactions. This Cookie is used to store information, such as the time when the visit occurred, any previous visit to the website by the same visitor and the website that has signalled the web page to the visitor. Leftloft S.p.A. guarantees the anonymization of the IP addresses of the users who visit the website in order not to make them identifiable by Google. The implementation of this setting of Google Analytics allows anonymization of the IP address, setting the value 0 to replace the terminal part of the IP (last octet in case of IPv4 address and the last 80 bits of IPv6 addresses). The process of anonymization takes place during the transmission of data to Google systems, therefore recording and processing of data is carried out without Google knowing the whole IP address. Being the processing of personal data totally anonymous for Leftloft S.p.A. and for the third party Google, it is not necessary to request specific consent from users. It is possible to eliminate the use of Cookies; in this case, however, certain functions needed for browsing will no longer be available. We inform you that at any time you may disable the use of Cookies on your computer by modifying the configuration of your browser. The methods depend on the browser used and are described in the help menu of the same. The options for activating/disabling use of Cookies for the most popular browsers are presented below:

Menu: Internet Tools/Options Privacy Tab, then Websites: in the website address enter the complete address (URL) of the website of which you want to customise the privacy parameters: To authorise recording of Cookies of the website in question on your computer, click on Authorise; To prevent recording of Cookies of the website in question on your computer, click on Block.

Menu: Settings Advanced settings Tab, then Cookies: you can decide to prevent (total or partial) recording of Cookies on your computer, or to accept them all. To block the recording of only third-party Cookies, click on Block only third-party Cookies.

Preferences; Privacy Tab and Configure Cookies.

Click on the settings icon on the tool bar of the browser: Parameters, click on Display Advanced Parameters. In the Privacy section click on Content Parameters. In the Cookies section you can change the following parameters: Block Cookies, Block Cookies by default, Authorise Cookies by default, Define exceptions for Cookies of some websites or domains.

Click on Tools, then on Options. Privacy Tab: in the Chronology setting section select Use personalised settings. Select the box Accept Cookies and click on exceptions to select websites that are to be authorised always or not as regards the installation of Cookies on your terminal.

Click on Preferences, then on Advanced, then on Cookies. The Cookie preferences make it possible to control the way in which Opera manages Cookies. The default setting provides for acceptance of all Cookies.

To disable third-party or marketing/retargeting cookies, please visit